Category Archives: Treat Acne Naturally With These Surprising Oils

Treat acne naturally with oils like Bio Oil, Jojoba Oil, Coconout Oil and Grape seed oil plus many more. Learn how they can clear/cure skin of acne vulgaris, mild acne to servere acne by applying daily part of your normal routines.

Top 4 Benefits Of Grape Seed Oil For Acne Prone Skin And The Best Ways To Use (Can It Improve Your Skin + Acne In A Week Review)

grape seed oil benefits acne prone skin

Best Grape Seed For Acne Oil Now %23 Off!

Amazing Natural Grape seed Oil Benefits For Acne Pimples, Spots And Acne Vulgaris Anywhere On The Body



Grape seed oil is becoming more popular because it is a beneficial way to help reduce cancer, wrinkles and treat acne naturally. Sounds like a miracle but does Grape seed oil really work on acne prone skin or does it make skin worse. Find Out The Best 4 Benefits Of Grape Seed Oil.

Where Does Grape-Seed Oil Come From And What Is Inside In This Oil

The grape seed oil is made by cold-pressing the grape seeds in grapes. It has been extensively used around the world and is abstracted all over the world where grapes are.  It contains high quantities of Vitamin E, F and also, proteins, lipids, minerals like zinc potassium, copper, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron and selenium. Not forgetting carbohydrates and antioxidants too. But most of all grape seed oil is rich in proanthocyanidins (OPC) a compound that is high in antioxidants which are  claimed to be 50 times more effective than Vitamin E and also 20 times stronger than Vitamin C. Antioxidants are found in grape skins and seeds and are more concentrated in red and black grapes than green.

Even though grapes are cultivated for thousands of years, grape seed oil was not produced or used until the 20th century because the relevant equipment for obtaining it from grapes was poor and not effective enough for a large scale and also because grape seeds contain a lower percentage of oil as compared to other oil-producing seeds, beans, or nuts.

Top 4 Best Benefits Of Grape Seed Oil For Skin And Acne Prone Skin

Applying grape seed oil to skin is a very effective way to reduce acne breakouts, clear skin and reduce  conditions like acne returning.

  1. The First Benefit: The first benefit of grape seed oil when applied to Acne Prone Skin is that it will reduce/remove existing pimples, spots and blackheads that are inflamed, sore and angry within a couple of days of application. This is because anti inflammatory properties are possessed in this oil which work wonders for acne of all forms including, hormonal acne, cystic acne and mild to severe acne vulgaris. Anti inflammatory properties are in 99% of all acne treatments that clear skin of acne and Grape Seed Oil uses this but naturally and organically.
  2. The Second Benefit: Oily skin sufferers will see improved skin tone and reduced acne marks when used regularly on acne prone skin areas such as the face, neck, back, shoulders and upper chest. This is because one of the main ingredients Astringent, tightens and tones biological tissues in the skin to  improved looking skin and complexion. This will also minimize under-eye circles and reduce wrinkles from first application.
  3. The Third Benefit: Natural moisturizer that will not cause acne breakouts or inflammation. This is what every acne sufferers wants and needs because moisturizing skin can always cause huge acne breakouts(I know my skin does). The trouble with moisturizer for acne is that oils, liquids and gels help pores clog when applied due to moisture. This can be a big problem however grape seed oil is a great way to remove dry skin, eczema and sensitive skin whilst not causing breakouts. This is because Grape-seed oil is thin that will not clog pores when surfaced on skin. Instead it will absorb into skin without causing irritation and build up.
  4. The Fourth Benefit: The normal oils produced on the skin can irritate skin when excess which causes acne however, by using a linoleic acid combined with natural oils it soothes skin and calms. Guess what oil has fatty acids in it (linoleic acid). Yup Grape Seed Oil! By applying Grape Seed oil you can sooth skin and this will prevent acne from coming back for good. Apply every 1-2 days for best results.

So it fights existing acne, keeps skin moisturized safely, prevents acne returning and reduces marks left behind. What more can you ask for?


Grapeseed oil bottle benefits acne

What is Grape Seed Oil Like?

Grape seed oil(pictured) is a light green colour oil that feels similar to bio oil and can be bought in bottles like the one pictured. It is used for cooking mainly thus being available in most supermarkets to date around the world. The benefits of Grape seed oil are that it spreads well on skin and has little to no smell or taste which makes it a brilliant skincare product or hair products.


Grape Seed Oil For Acne And How To Use/APPLY To Acne Prone Skin

One benefit about grape seed oil I forgot to mention was how usable and efficient it really is. You can apply this oil to moisturizers, face washes, morning cleansers and many more knowing that will improve your existing acne and prevent acne breakouts. Irritation can be a ‘big problem’ for acne skin. This oil will not irritate or cause clogged pores to become sore/inflamed instead, applying and using grape-seed oil will prevent acne breakouts and stop pores from clogging in the long run.

This makes grape-seed oil very beneficial for acne but you are probably thinking “why apply more oil to my oily face”? (Will this not make my acne breakouts worse?)

The simple answer to this is No. This is because this is no ordinary oil and will not stay on the skin for long before absorbing into the skin. This means that it will disappear into the skin shortly after applied without to much massaging into skin. Also this oil possess antioxidant ability which prevents pores clogging once applied and absorbed into skin plus it has one of the best properties which are used in almost every acne cream, system and treatment that is used to “clear skin for good” without drying skin and causing scars. Grape Seed Oil Acne

Anti Inflammatory– This is so popular for treating acne, cystic acne and hormonal acne for all over the body and is needed to reduce the sore redness of existing pimples, cysts and pustules. By having an anti inflammatory as an added bonus it will greatly reduce acne by helping sooth inflamed skin. (Which is caused by acne and makes acne worse!) This is a great way to help clear acne with grape seed oil.

The Best Ways To Use Grape Seed Oil On Acne are:

  •  Buy Grape Seed Oil Here or get your bottle of grapes seed oil handy. This Brand Is The Best And 100% Add a couple of drops to your morning and night face wash (2-4) per wash and massage into skin
  • Apply directly to skin after shower using fingertips. Makes sure fingertips are clean and you are gently in circular motions. (avoid applying to much, a 1-2 drops is enough)
  • 5 drops of grape seed oil in bath water will dramatically help body acne
  • Mix this oil with your daily moisturizer. (this is my favourite) I add it to the moisturizer in the bottle and use within a month. (personal preference)

Use any or all of these daily or several times per week to see results and also will help dark spots that ‘Don’t Go’.

How Can It Improve Your Skin Other Than Acne

Using it in any of the above will not only help clear but will also look after your skin with some extra bonus goodies. This is because of all the minerals and vitamins in grape seed oil are beneficial to all skin types inside and out. Regular use can help skin tone become fresh and radiant especially when used before bed and first thing in the morning. The vitamin C is the key when it comes to evening out skin tones and vitamin C is in Grapes which makes this a quick and cheaper way to help skin tones then forking out for pricey products that do the same. Money saver.

Anti Aging is heard far to often and this is because everyone wants anti age creams, tablets and foods to help keep their skin looking its best. Believe it or not this oil massaged into skin can help with wrinkles and fine lines too. Regularly use will show marks, lines and wrinkles fade naturally using Organic Grape Seed Oil on Amazon.

Sounds Brilliant For Skin But Find Out What Are The Side Effects Before Using

Grape seed should not be used with any other medication unless seen by a doctor because it may interfere with prescriptions and over the counter medication. (ie acne medications such as benzoyl peroxide). Antioxidants in grape seeds can boost active ingredients which can cause problems. See a doctor before using with medication.

Grapeseed Oil On My hand

Grape Seed Oil On My Hand

*Fact* The oil used by massage therapists is grape seed because it acts as good lubricant for massaging and spa.

In Conclusion (review)

My skin is very oily and my personal experience is that I prefer this to other oils like  Jojoba oil, tea tree oil and coconut oil because these do not irritate acne prone skin and cause acne breakouts like other oils can. The oils on your face can clash with other oils applied to skin and this is why grape seed oil works better for skin because it absorbs quickly prevents build up of natural oils whilst fighting inflammatory acne and keeping pores fresh. This oil is very beneficial for acne prone skin and can improve your skin even if you do not suffer from acne because it has a high amount of ingredients which help breakdown existing pimples, prevent pores from clogging( causing acne breakouts) and is gentle on skin by not irritating further. Read More Customer Reviews On Grape Seed Oil For Skin Care At Amazon Or Alternatively Find The Best Price For Grape seed Oil For Acne By Clicking Here.

I think the positives outweigh the negatives greatly and is a must try on skin with acne or not. I hope this has opened your eyes on how grape seed oil is not just used for cooking and how it can be used on skin and skin conditions such as acne too.

Thanks For Reading – If you use a natural oil or remedy on your acne prone skin, share it below we want to hear it!

Natural Ways To Clear Skin (Acne And Pimples)

Natural Ways To Clear Acne Prone Skin

4 Natural Ways To Clear Skin Of Pimples, Blackheads And Spots (Acne)

There are plenty of Natural Ways To Clear Skin Including Acne And Pimples however it is finding the right natural way that works for your unique skin that can be hard. First of all lets look at natural ways that you have probably heard of and how they work.

  • Aloe Vera: Used for pimples and scars. Helps rebuild new skin and collagen whilst soothing and calming skin in the process. Find out More
  • Bio Oil: For scarring but can be used on acne too but mainly acne scars. Can cause acne to become worse. Find Out More
  • Sudocrem: A well known brand that helps with its antiseptic ingredients to help clear acne and inflammation on surface of skin. Find Out More
  • Tea Tree Oil: Commonly used on acne to help reduce bacteria and inflammation. Find Out More

These are very common around the house and can help your pimples by reducing inflammation, killing bacteria and even helping scars. These all are useful and have links to articles for each if you are interested in certain ones and how they help.


Acne And Pimples Natural Ways

Benefits Of Tea Tree Oil For Acne (Pimples, Spots And Skin)

I now use this – 4.6 rated on AMAZON here (1000+ agree)

Tea Tree Oil Pimples, Spots And Acne


Tea Tree Oil for pimples and acne is a very common topic that has been debated about for a while on whether it clears acne prone skin, prevents acne breakouts  and prevents returning acne overnight. The good news is that Tea Tree oil can help your skin if applied correctly. Not sure what causes acne? See – What is acne?

This magical wonder has been around for centuries and comes from a plant in Australia known as the Australian Tea Tree. Tea Tree Oil has been used for thousands of years as a natural remedy for all types of skin problems. Infact, in Australia (where I currently am living), the biggest sand island in the world Frazer Island has a natural pool of water where tea tree falls into the water. The locals have worshipped this place, as a place of healing. Its the same as what I recommend using above 🙂

Being a natural remedy and used for Ingrown hairs, athletes foot, cuts/burns and Acne it normally is a safe first option to treat acne because the side affects are minimal. The best natural anti fungal, antibacterial and antimicrobial is Tea Tree Oil and we are going to talk about how it can be used on Spots, Pimples And Skin. You’ll see how easy it is to use and how it works wonders on inflammation and bacteria. (Which are very Common for Acne) Many people claim results overnight.

Acne tea tree oil

The Best Tea Tree Oil For Acne Prone Skin

Personally I have tried multiple brands and oils for my skin and these are my 2 favourite and why.

  • Edens Garden– My personal favourite, I got my first results on my face and bacne with this brand. After plenty of research I chose this brand because of the reviews online, its pure and the 30ml option is good value for money, I still use it to this day! I experimented with this one to find that using just before bed and applying directly to pimples would prevent irritation in my sleep and make my skin clear in the morning. I strongly recommend this one, get the 30ml however as you may want to apply to other areas of skin.

Value Pack – 30 ml Tea Tree 100%


  • Aura Cacia –  Aura Cacia is a good brand, especially if you prefer using essential oils for many different purposes like adding to moisturisers and hand cleansers and is the cheapest around. I remember that’s why I purchased it because of the price and I am sure it hasn’t changed. (has a nice logo too)

Aura Cacia Tea Tree Essential Oil, 0.5


How To use Tea Tree Oil On Spots, Pimples And Acne.

What Actually Happens When Applying Tea Tree Oil (Spots)


Pimples, spots and zits are normally inflamed due to bacteria build up. When a pimple occurs it is because a pore on the surface of the skin has become blocked or clogged due to sticky oil, bacteria and dead skin cells. This blockage will cause the pimple, spot or zit to slowly increase in size like a balloon.

There is bacteria living on the surface of the skin and this bacteria will work its way into the spot/pimple and flourish inside, resulting in the area becoming inflamed and angry. This results in the picture Below.

Tea Tree Oil acne vulgaris

Inflamed Pimples


When applying Tea Tree Oil on this angry, inflamed area it will:

  • Soak deep into pores
  • Remove and kill bacteria with its antibacterial
  • Help reduce inflammation (red soreness)
  • Clean area of excess oil and dead skin cells
  • Prevent the pimple form coming back


Now, you may be thinking this is a miracle product for acne sufferers but unfortunately not. Some claim to see results overnight where as others within days of using Tea Tree oil on spots and Acne however it needs to be used correctly otherwise can cause soreness, redness and dry skin if used to regularly. Tea Tree Oil Must Not Be Used Internally and Be Careful If Used Orally. Drinking can cause the brain and body to feel confusion, disorientation, excessive sleepiness, hallucinations, and even coma confused.. Apply on your skin externally!

 Best Tea Tree Oil For Acne (And How Often To Apply Tea Tree Oil Here

If you haven’t already got tea tree oil, the best oils are 100% pure like this one on Amazon – Tea Tree 100% Pure Essential Oil – 10 ml or the one used in this video is

  1. Remove lid
  2. Add tea tree oil to a cotton bud, cotton pad or tissue
  3. Dab pimple, spots and red areas with Tea tree oil gently
  4. Do not apply to much pressure to the area
  5. Leave on overnight or for as long as possible

Or Alternatively you can:


  • If you have a cleanser that you use regularly. Add a few drops and use caution around the eye area.
  • 1/4 to a 1/2 of a cup of plain yogurt. Add 4-6 drops and apply to face to make a mask. Leave on for 10-20 minutes (20 preferably) then rinse of with cold water.
  • A couple of drops to your bath can be a very easy way to help your acne on your body.
  • Can be added to moisturiser but be careful with the eyes again (can sting)


So the question is should you use tea tree oil on your spots? The answer is yes you should try it on your spots pimples and acne. WHY? It helped me, loads of people around the world, its cheap, natural and easy to use.  Try the one recommended and enjoy the benefits overnight. See here which popping tool everyone is now using.

In Conclusion (My Thoughts)

Best Tea Tree Oil For Acne pimples

Check out the review for this 100% Tea Tree Oil Here

We have talked about the benefits of tea tree oil for spots,  acne skin, how to use tea tree and should you really use tea tree oil for spots.  Personally I love using tea tree oil on my skin now.

After shooting the video on how to use tea tree oil for spots, I purchased a 100% tea tree oil from Amazon here to use before bed because I felt that the 15% before just wasn’t doing it for me.

I have been experimenting and using this every 2-3 weeks now, just to keep my inflammation acne on my face down and under control. Personally I think this natural antibacterial, anti inflammatory will be part of my daily from now on as my skin has really cleared up.

If you are looking for “quick results” and minimal side effects unlike some of the tropical remedies for acne and spots such as Benzoyl Peroxide which may have worse side effects to the skin over time, you should give this a go.


Alternatively, if your looking to permanently remove acne and all forms NATURALLY. You need to read this Ebook. It comes with a 60 day money back guarantee, a proven recipe and plan. Ryan… Give me 60% off and show me how 129,912 customers permanently got rid of their acne here.

Bio Oil For Acne Scars – Does It Work Or Break You Out?

What Is Bio Oil

Bio Oil is a brilliant acne scar treatment that has won 126 skincare awards becoming the No.1 scar, stretch mark and skin toner product since 2002. Bio oil is widely used over 14 countries to this date and keeps up its reputation.

Bio oil is a specially formulated oil created for all types of skin. It can be used on:

  • Scars – All types including acne scars, surgery scars and scars from cuts and grazes.
  • Stretch marks – Big and small anywhere on the body
  • Uneven skin tones – Also anywhere on the body
  • Ageing skin – Wrinkles and dehydrated skin

Using bio oil on facial acne scarsIt comes in a small tub and contains the breakthrough ingredient called Purcellin Oil which is the main active ingredient used for penetrating skin and helping damaged tissue and scars improve.

Using Bio oil twice a day will greatly reduce scar size, colour and the surface of the skin that it is applied.

This small orange tub with a noticeable white screw cap can be found at your local pharmacy/drug store or on Amazon here.


Many have claimed this to be a miracle for their skin because it ‘minimises scars, stretch marks and uneven skin tones’ on the surface of the skin. Before you consider buying, trying and using bio oil I strongly suggest you read on to find out what really happens and how to use Bio Oil for Acne prone skin for the best results.

Does Bio Oil Work on Acne Scars?

Acne is a skin condition that produces more oil in around the pores of the acne prone areas, such as the face, neck, back, chest, and shoulders.

The scars that acne leaves are look generally like holes of all sizes and plenty of them. Bio oil is a great way to help acne scars especially visible ones on the face, chest and back. Applying twice a day will reduce the size of acne scars and help the healing process of all scars in the area.

However there is one problem with Bio oil and acne prone skin. If your acne is active for example, acne breakouts of pimples, blackheads and cysts are recurring everyday then I do not recommend using this scar treatment.

This is because when I was using bio oil on my severe acne before it cleared up, I gained some acne breakouts. I generally think this is because my skin was oily and the oil in the bio oil was helping clog my pores. See my Video Below on How Acne and Bio oil Clash 


Will Bio Oil Make me Break Out? – Why Using Bio Oil as an Acne Treatment Doesn’t Work

Using Bio Oil for acne prone skin is completely different when it comes to the possible side effects that can occur from the ‘Oil’ on oily acne skin. You may or may not know that acne is a build-up of oil, bacteria and dead skin cells in and under the skin which causes eruptions of blemishes, blackheads and pimples. The excess oil on skin from acne and hormonal acne can cause acne breakouts especially when adding extra oil to acne areas.

Breakouts and the opposite effect of clearing skin for acne sufferers can occur because Bio Oil’s thickness can help clog pores. Resulting in inflammation, oily skin and more acne pimples.

People who generally have oily skin from acne will not gain clear skin from using Bio oil. This is not an acne treatment but an effective scar remedy that can greatly help acne scars, not acne.

The best advice would be to use Bio oil on scars where acne is not present. See how I got rid of my acne within a couple of days here.

Bio Oil For Acne Scars back

Bio Oil is more commonly used on scars and shouldn’t cause acne breakouts on areas like arms, legs and lower body because these areas are not prone to acne and instead its helps keep skin hydrated and ageing skin looking clearer.

However if you suffer from dry skin or an adult suffering from acne, bio oil could be more beneficial for you because your acne is not caused by excess oil build up, this will help treat acne effectively and reduce scars.

Tips & Tricks to Use Bio Oil for Best Results

The first thing you will notice when opening a bio oil pot/bottle is the distinctive smell. Like a mix of baby shampoo and washing up liquid. Being an oily liquid it is easily over spread and can be messy whilst applying to the skin. Underneath the cap is a narrow drip hole to prevent too much coming out at one time.

Apply a small amount (pictured) to scarred tissue areas and then gently massage into skin until fully absorbed. Do not over use or apply to much. Dime size amount is more than enough.

Bio Oil is a leading brand and can be bought over most counters but the price can be from higher for Bio Oil in the shops than online. Find the best price for Bio Oil by Clicking Here.

How Did Bio Oil Work For My Acne Scars?

In the first 2-3 weeks of using Bio oil for acne scars on my face and back I noticed a change in colour and swelling.

My scars appeared to fade and risen scars smoothed out. However I still have pot holes in my skin from the evil acne I once had.

I didn’t give up, I carried on. 2 and a half months later my scars had definitely improve all round and they became less noticeable, LIKE ALMOST VANISHED. Especially the big holes I had around my cheeks and side of nose. Would I recommend bio oil for scarring?

Yes, because this oil shown me good results with my acne scars and it will show results on stretch marks, and other types of scars within weeks and definitely within months. The oil helps rebuild skin complexion and digs deep into scars to reduce inflammations, redness and help rebuilding scar tissue.

This is a product that everyone must have on everyone’s shelf.


How to Use Bio Oil on Acne, Scars and Stretch Marks

Directions for bio oil and scars

No more than twice a day morning or night to see best results, should be gently rubbed with the fingertips into the skin. It’s very important to massage in circular patterns and if you do this correctly, improvements will continue to be noticed the longer Bio Oil is used.


1. Pour a small amount (Roughly a 1-2 drops, a little bit goes a long way) of Bio oil onto fingertips. Bio oil is much cheaper online!

2. Massage contents into areas where scarring or stretch marks reside. (Be Careful not to over use, it’s very easy)

3. Massage thoroughly in circular patterns until completely absorbed paying attention to scarred areas.

What bio oil does for acne scars on face and back






In Conclusion

Bio Oil is an excellent way to keep skin moisturised, help scarring and improve the skin but is unfortunately very oily and can cause breakouts on acne prone skin on the back, chest, face and neck. This being said is a general term and every ones skin is different and unique in many ways.

The best option for you if you have acne scars but still have acne is use it with caution as directed and see why this acne treatment is becoming as popular as Accutane.

If you are considering using it on your acne I reassure you that there are a high number of people saying good Bio Oil for Acne Prone Skin and helped there acne scars clear up completely.

Everything is cheaper online these days, treat yourself to a 30ml for here for the same price as a 10ml in store.

2018 Update – Bio Oil is fantastic, however I been using a new treatment which has completely changed my life. Read more about it here.

 Share your Experiences with Bio Oil Below