I now use this – 4.6 rated on AMAZON here (1000+ agree)
Tea Tree Oil Pimples, Spots And Acne
Tea Tree Oil for pimples and acne is a very common topic that has been debated about for a while on whether it clears acne prone skin, prevents acne breakouts and prevents returning acne overnight. The good news is that Tea Tree oil can help your skin if applied correctly. Not sure what causes acne? See – What is acne?
This magical wonder has been around for centuries and comes from a plant in Australia known as the Australian Tea Tree. Tea Tree Oil has been used for thousands of years as a natural remedy for all types of skin problems. Infact, in Australia (where I currently am living), the biggest sand island in the world Frazer Island has a natural pool of water where tea tree falls into the water. The locals have worshipped this place, as a place of healing. Its the same as what I recommend using above 🙂
Being a natural remedy and used for Ingrown hairs, athletes foot, cuts/burns and Acne it normally is a safe first option to treat acne because the side affects are minimal. The best natural anti fungal, antibacterial and antimicrobial is Tea Tree Oil and we are going to talk about how it can be used on Spots, Pimples And Skin. You’ll see how easy it is to use and how it works wonders on inflammation and bacteria. (Which are very Common for Acne) Many people claim results overnight.
The Best Tea Tree Oil For Acne Prone Skin
Personally I have tried multiple brands and oils for my skin and these are my 2 favourite and why.
- Edens Garden– My personal favourite, I got my first results on my face and bacne with this brand. After plenty of research I chose this brand because of the reviews online, its pure and the 30ml option is good value for money, I still use it to this day! I experimented with this one to find that using just before bed and applying directly to pimples would prevent irritation in my sleep and make my skin clear in the morning. I strongly recommend this one, get the 30ml however as you may want to apply to other areas of skin.
Value Pack – 30 ml Tea Tree 100%
- Aura Cacia – Aura Cacia is a good brand, especially if you prefer using essential oils for many different purposes like adding to moisturisers and hand cleansers and is the cheapest around. I remember that’s why I purchased it because of the price and I am sure it hasn’t changed. (has a nice logo too)
Aura Cacia Tea Tree Essential Oil, 0.5
How To use Tea Tree Oil On Spots, Pimples And Acne.
What Actually Happens When Applying Tea Tree Oil (Spots)
Pimples, spots and zits are normally inflamed due to bacteria build up. When a pimple occurs it is because a pore on the surface of the skin has become blocked or clogged due to sticky oil, bacteria and dead skin cells. This blockage will cause the pimple, spot or zit to slowly increase in size like a balloon.
There is bacteria living on the surface of the skin and this bacteria will work its way into the spot/pimple and flourish inside, resulting in the area becoming inflamed and angry. This results in the picture Below.
When applying Tea Tree Oil on this angry, inflamed area it will:
- Soak deep into pores
- Remove and kill bacteria with its antibacterial
- Help reduce inflammation (red soreness)
- Clean area of excess oil and dead skin cells
- Prevent the pimple form coming back
Now, you may be thinking this is a miracle product for acne sufferers but unfortunately not. Some claim to see results overnight where as others within days of using Tea Tree oil on spots and Acne however it needs to be used correctly otherwise can cause soreness, redness and dry skin if used to regularly. Tea Tree Oil Must Not Be Used Internally and Be Careful If Used Orally. Drinking can cause the brain and body to feel confusion, disorientation, excessive sleepiness, hallucinations, and even coma confused.. Apply on your skin externally!
Best Tea Tree Oil For Acne (And How Often To Apply Tea Tree Oil Here
If you haven’t already got tea tree oil, the best oils are 100% pure like this one on Amazon – Tea Tree 100% Pure Essential Oil – 10 ml or the one used in this video is
- Remove lid
- Add tea tree oil to a cotton bud, cotton pad or tissue
- Dab pimple, spots and red areas with Tea tree oil gently
- Do not apply to much pressure to the area
- Leave on overnight or for as long as possible
Or Alternatively you can:
- If you have a cleanser that you use regularly. Add a few drops and use caution around the eye area.
- 1/4 to a 1/2 of a cup of plain yogurt. Add 4-6 drops and apply to face to make a mask. Leave on for 10-20 minutes (20 preferably) then rinse of with cold water.
- A couple of drops to your bath can be a very easy way to help your acne on your body.
- Can be added to moisturiser but be careful with the eyes again (can sting)
So the question is should you use tea tree oil on your spots? The answer is yes you should try it on your spots pimples and acne. WHY? It helped me, loads of people around the world, its cheap, natural and easy to use. Try the one recommended and enjoy the benefits overnight. See here which popping tool everyone is now using.
In Conclusion (My Thoughts)

Check out the review for this 100% Tea Tree Oil Here
We have talked about the benefits of tea tree oil for spots, acne skin, how to use tea tree and should you really use tea tree oil for spots. Personally I love using tea tree oil on my skin now.
After shooting the video on how to use tea tree oil for spots, I purchased a 100% tea tree oil from Amazon here to use before bed because I felt that the 15% before just wasn’t doing it for me.
I have been experimenting and using this every 2-3 weeks now, just to keep my inflammation acne on my face down and under control. Personally I think this natural antibacterial, anti inflammatory will be part of my daily from now on as my skin has really cleared up.
If you are looking for “quick results” and minimal side effects unlike some of the tropical remedies for acne and spots such as Benzoyl Peroxide which may have worse side effects to the skin over time, you should give this a go.
Alternatively, if your looking to permanently remove acne and all forms NATURALLY. You need to read this Ebook. It comes with a 60 day money back guarantee, a proven recipe and plan. Ryan… Give me 60% off and show me how 129,912 customers permanently got rid of their acne here.